1977. 7. 1 Founded KumKang Enterprise (President : Mr. Kang In Seop)
in Guro-dong, Seoul
 1984. Took over Osan plant
 1985. Set up 18 inch Calender pressing line
 1988. Installed Mixing Roll and Super Mixer additionally
 1990. 1. 1 Changed the company name to KumKang Industry Co., Ltd.
 1992. Added 18 inch Calender pressing line
 1998. Installed Turret Winder
 2000. 12 Set up 24 inch Calender pressing line
 2001. 2. Moved Plant to Eumseong
 2001. 12. Marked USD 12Million in the sales amount
 2002. 12. Marked USD 15Million in the sales amount
 2003. 9 Set up 24 inch Calender pressing line.
 2005. Marked USD 20Million in the sales amount
 2006. 3 Added 24 inch Calender pressing line.
 2008. Marked USD 30Million in the sales amount
 2010. 24 inch Calender pressing line will be added